9th – 11th Grade

Q&A offers a package of consulting hours to be used toward a plan that will be customized for each client based on the grade level and unique interests and needs of the student and family. A consulting plan will be discussed in the first session with the client.

Hours can be allocated toward planning meetings with consultants, research, and other services. Meetings can be scheduled for 60 minutes or 90 minutes with your Q&A consultant. Customized research done on the student’s behalf, phone conversations, and consulting with parents regarding students plans in excess of 15 minutes count toward student’s contracted hours. Hourly fees must be paid by credit card and held on a retainer basis, and any hours beyond the minimum are charged bi-monthly.

Q&A consulting hours in the 9th/10th/11th grades are typically allocated to planning for success in the following areas:


The summers before 10th, 11th and 12th grade should be meaningful and strategic. Activities should reflect and enhance your interests and contribute to your college application profile.


We help you develop and elevate activities that support your college goals and personal development. Sometimes that means identifying opportunities that aren’t obvious or popular.


Planning with your course choices is one of the most important things you can do to enhance your college chances and position yourself correctly. What your transcript says about you will be one of the most important elements of your application


We can help you create a testing plan that matches your preference, learning style, and extra-curricular schedule. We can also make recommendations on SAT Subject Tests and provide guidance on tutors and other support services.


We recommend and connect you to opportunities within your community, and help you take your talents and interests to a whole new level. It will help you to demonstrate that you understand you are connected to a world far bigger than just your school.


Many students need a guidepost but don’t know where to start. By taking our personality, learning inventory, and learning style assessments we can help you uncover your strengths and talents and give you extra insight into what you might pursue based on those strengths.


Q&A is committed to helping students discover the most up-to-date information and opportunities. As a service we often research colleges, programs, majors, and outside activities that fit a student’s specific goals and availability.


Recommendations for additional support — ranging from activity mentorship, testing, and learning disability support and referrals — are also provided.



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30721 Russell Ranch Road, Suite 140, Westlake Village , California 91362 - Get Directions